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Steve Hall

Stories of Humanity

For most of my life I have written.

Some essays, a few poems, some travel diaries, and for the last 17 years, a family journal. Initially I thought I was writing that journal for my children as a record of their lives, but I have discovered that I have actually been writing for myself.

What has emerged from all of this are some thoughts, observations, reflections and stories, and in these unprecedented times of lock downs, shutdowns and isolation, I have had some precious time to reread some of these musings.

We are told that one of the helpful practices especially during these moments of challenge is to be mindful of gratitude. I have learned through this, that this is true. But perhaps gratitude can only come through remembrance. If we embrace memory, we can practice gratitude.

I have wondered through this world wide pandemic who are the winners?

For sure it is Mother Nature as she experiences her own isolation to heal away from our devastating impact for a while, and perhaps it is Father Time who through his never ending patience, will continue his eternal march forward and maybe witness a new world as he has done so often in the past.

Yes, Mother Nature and Father Time will emerge stronger through this, but if they are Mother and Father, then who or what are their children?

Perhaps it is us.


The joining of Mother Nature and Father Time has birthed Humanity, and if we choose, as their offspring, we too could emerge stronger through this most recent crisis.

And so, as I practice my own gratitude through the mechanism of memory, I hope some of these stories help you to find a still place in a turbulent world.

Stay safe,

Keep connected,

And Lead with Humanity.


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